For Teens

Courteous Teens (11 – 19 years)

Our Program Includes

  • Building on a tweens and teens Image inside out .
  • 1 session with your child one to one to know what issues your child is facing in the real world.
  • 2 sessions with parents to understand issues being noticed and bridging the gap between your child and you.
  • Confidence building and a new look, making them confident to face the real world before they are out in college or school.
  • Facing group discussions and interviews
  • Making your child street smart rather than a book worm.
  • A free image consulting session giving them a feedback on clothing , hairstyle , little basic make up, keeping their face shape and body shape in mind.
  • Introduction and handshake, Meet & Greet
  • Communication, Listening, Joining & exiting a conversation
  • Attending a party / Attire / Accepting a Complement/Appreciation
  • Dining Etiquette
  • Bullying, Teasing, Cyber Bullying, Cell Phone manners, Social  Media
  • Accepting No, Saying No, Good Sportsmanship
  • Public Speaking, Debates & Body Language
  • Tact & Discretion / Having a positive attitude
  • Creating a good first impression
  • Conversational skills, English and English grammar
  • Accepting failure
  • Accepting No, Courtesy
  • Sharing / Borrowing / Kindness / Rudeness
  • Hygiene, dressing / Attire
  • Attending a party/ Gift Receiving / Gift Giving
  • Classroom manners / Phone manners
  • Bullying / Teasing 
  • Self Confidence / Responsibility / Ownership / Accepting a compliment /Appreciation.
  • General Etiquette/ party etiquette/ cell phone etiquette
  • Time management’
  • Leadership
  • Decision making
  • Grooming and impeccable manners
  • Anger management
  • planning and skills
  • Team work
  • Dealing with feeling , being attentive and patient
  • Be an influencer than being infulenced.
  • problem solving
  • Taking ownership of your actions